
Statement on Black Lives Matter

Priyaa Srinivasan

Date: October 3, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: ICT 616

Title: Kan extensions as a framework to extend resource monotones

Abstract: A monotone for a resource theory assigns a real number to each resource in the theory signifying the utility or the value of the resource. Gour and Tomamichel studied the problem of extending monotones using set-theoretical framework when a resource theory embeds fully and faithfully into the larger theory. One can generalize the problem of computing monotone extensions to scenarios when there exists a functorial transformation of one resource theory to another instead of just a full and faithful inclusion. In this article, we show that (point-wise) Kan extensions provide a precise categorical framework to describe and compute such extensions of monotones. To set up monontone extensions using Kan extensions, we introduce partitioned categories (pCat) as a framework for resource theories and pCat functors to formalize relationship between resource theories. We describe monotones as pCat functors into ([0,∞],≤), and describe extending monotones along any pCat functor using Kan extensions. We show how our framework works by applying it to extend entanglement monotones for bipartite pure states to bipartite mixed states, to extend classical divergences to the quantum setting, and to extend a non-uniformity monotone from classical probabilistic theory to quantum theory.

Florian Schwarz

Date: May 13, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Location: Hybrid: MS325 and on Zoom.

Title: Tangent categories, Cartesian differential categories and how they are related

Abstract: Tangent categories are a categorical generalization of the category of manifolds by having maps like the projection and the zero-section of the tangent bundle that fulfill certain relations. With a similar strategy, Cartesian differential categories generalize the category of finite-dimensional R-vector spaces and smooth maps.Unsurprisingly the construction generalizing manifolds and the construction generalizing vector-spaces are related. More precisely there is an adjunction between the category of Cartesian tangent categories and the category of Cartesian differential categories. Explaining this adjunction is the main goal of this talk.

Amolak Ratan Kalra

Date: May 6, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Location: Math Sciences Bulding, MS325, University of Calgary

Title: Categories of Kirchoff Relations

Abstract: It is known that the category of affine Lagrangian relations over a field F, of integers modulo a prime p (with p > 2) is isomorphic to the category of stabilizer quantum circuits for p-dits. Furthermore, it is known that electrical circuits (generalized for the field F) occur as a natural subcategory of affine Lagrangian relations. The purpose of this paper is to provide a characterization of the relations in this subcategory — and in important subcategories thereof — in terms of parity-check and generator matrices as used in error detection.
In particular, we introduce the subcategory consisting of Kirchhoff relations to be (affinely) those Lagrangian relations that conserve total momentum or equivalently satisfy Kirchhoff’s current law. We characterize these Kirchhoff relations in terms of parity-check matrices and, study two important subcategories: the deterministic Kirchhoff relations and the lossless relations.

Sacha Ikonicoff

Date: April 29, 2022
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Math Sciences Bulding, MS325, University of Calgary

Title: Cartesian Differential Monads

Abstract: Cartesian Differential Categories are defined to introduce and study the notion of differential from calculus in a category theory point of view. In a Cartesian Differential Category, morphisms between objects can be « derived », and this differentiation operation must satisfy a list of properties, including a version of the chain rule. The most predominant source of Cartesian Differential Categories is obtained by studying the free (co)algebras of a (co)monad equipped with a heavy structure – a differential storage structure – via the concept of (co)Kleisli category.

In this talk, we will introduce the notion of a Cartesian Differential (co)Monad on a Category with finite biproducts, which gives the lightest apparatus on a (co)monad which allows us to define a Cartesian Differential Category structure on its (co)Kleisli category. We will then list quantity of examples of such monads, most of which could not be given a differential storage structure, thus motivating our new construction.

This joint work with J-S Pacaud Lemay is available on the ArXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.04304

Pre-requisite: students wishing to attend the talk are welcome to do so! They should make sure they know the definition of a monad and of an algebra over a monad, a simple search on a favourite browser is probably enough.

Marcello Lanfranchi

Date: April 21, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Zoom (email sacha.ikonicoff at ucalgary.ca for more info)

Title: Operadic Tangent Categories

Abstract: One of the main questions I posed to my supervisor Geoffrey Cruttwell when I applied for the PhD program, was whether non-commutative geometry could be described using the language of tangent categories. My background in theoretical physics makes me care about non-commutative geometry because it could be a valid mathematical framework to describe general relativity in a way that is compatible with quantum mechanics.

Before Christmas 2021, he showed me his research on tangent category theory, applied to algebraic geometry. This new work on algebraic geometry, initially introduced by Geoff and Robin Cockett and recently further developed by Geoff and J.S. Lemay, allowed me to reformulate my question in the following terms: can we extend this tangent category construction, defined for commutative algebras, to general associative algebras?

In this talk, I present an answer to this question showing how the construction presented by Geoff can be extended to non-commutative geometry and more generally to algebras of (algebraic symmetric) operads.

The talk will be structured as follows: I will start by giving the main motivation for the talk, and then I will briefly recall the key definitions and constructions of tangent category theory. I will then spend some time describing the construction for commutative algebras. I will then give the main definitions and results of operad theory. Following that, I will show how to construct a canonical tangent structure on the category of algebras over an operad. Thereafter, I will discuss the corresponding tangent structure over the opposite category, showing its geometrical meaning. Finally, I will give some of the results that I found so far that extend the constructions of the commutative case.

This work is in collaboration with my supervisors Geoffrey Cruttwell and Dorette Pronk. I also would like to thank J.S. Lemay for the great discussions and ideas he shared with me about his work and mine.

Niny Arcila Maya

Date: April 14, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Zoom (email sacha.ikonicoff at ucalgary.ca for more info)

Title: Decomposition of topological Azumaya algebras in the stable range

Abstract: Topological Azumaya algebras are topological shadows of more complicated algebraic Azumaya algebras defined over, for example, schemes. Tensor product is a well-defined operation on topological Azumaya algebras. Hence given a topological Azumaya algebra A of degree mn, where m and n are positive integers, it is a natural question to ask whether A can be decomposed according to this factorization of mn. In this talk, I explain the definition of a topological Azumaya algebra over a topological space X, and present a result about what conditions should m, n, and X satisfy so that A can be decomposed.

Gijs Heuts

Date: April 7, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Zoom (email sacha.ikonicoff at ucalgary.ca for more info)

Title: Koszul duality of algebras for operads

Abstract: Ginzburg-Kapranov and Getzler-Jones exhibited a duality between algebras for an operad O and coalgebras (with divided powers) for a “Koszul dual” cooperad BO, taking the form of an adjoint pair of functors between these categories. Instances of this duality include that between Lie algebras and cocommutative coalgebras, as in Quillen’s work on rational homotopy theory, and bar-cobar duality for associative (co)algebras, as in the work of Moore. I will review this formalism and discuss the following basic question: on what subcategories of O-algebras and BO-coalgebras does this duality adjunction restrict to an equivalence? I will discuss an answer to this question and explain the relation to a conjecture of Francis and Gaitsgory.

Recording (Passcode: u.2c?5w?)

Michael Lambert

Date: March 17, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Zoom (email sacha.ikonicoff at ucalgary.ca for more info)

Title: Regular logic in a `double category of relations’

Abstract: In this talk, we will present a definition of a `double category of relations’, inspired by that of a bicategory of relations’ due to Carboni and Walters. Roughly, a `double category of relations’ is a cartesian equipment whose horizontal bicategory satisfies a certain discreteness condition. We will then sketch how any such structure yields a sound interpretation of regular logic.

Marcelo Aguiar

Date: March 11, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 10:00 am
Location: Zoom (email sacha.ikonicoff at ucalgary.ca for more info)

Title: The Eckmann-Hilton argument in duoidal categories

Abstract: We will go over the basics of duoidal categories, illustrating with a number of examples. As monoidal categories provide a context for monoids, duoidal categories provide one for duoids and bimonoids. Our main goal is to discuss a number of versions of the classical Eckmann-Hilton argument which may be formulated in this setting. As an application we will obtain the commutativity of the cup product on the cohomology of a bimonoid with coefficients in a duoid, an extension of a familiar result for group and bialgebra cohomology.

The talk borrows on earlier work in collaboration with Swapneel Mahajan on the foundations of duoidal categories (2010). The main results are from ongoing work with Javier Coppola. We also rely on work of Richard Garner and Ignacio López-Franco (2016).

Kate Ponto

Date: March 3, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Zoom (email sacha.ikonicoff at ucalgary.ca for more info)

Title: Iterated Traces

Abstract: The trace of a matrix does not seem like an operation that should be iterated, but if we step back and think of trace as an operation on endomorphisms (or almost endomorphisms) that is invariant under cyclic permutation this becomes more plausible.  I’ll make sense of iterated traces in monoidal bicategories, describe independence of order for iterated traces, and connect this result to (disguised) examples that have appeared in the literature.