Ben MacAdam and Priyaa Srinivasan

Date: November 10, 2017
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: ICT616
Talk 1 – Ben MacAdam
Title: Linear/Non-Linear models in a 2-category: Part 1
A linear/non-linear model is a monoidal adjunction between a cartesian category and symmetric monoidal category. Such an adjunction gives rise to a coalgebraic modality which in turn a model of MELL.  Birkedal showed that these results translate easily to fibred monoidal categories — here one
obtains a model in each fiber category.  We show that many of these results can be further generalized to pseudomonoids in 2-categories with suitable universal properties.

Talk 2 – Priyaa Srinivasan
Title: Structures for decoherent
This talk will introduce and develop the structure required for studying
decoherence in certain monoidal categories.  Our driving example is a
decoherence structure in \mathsf{CP}^*[\mathsf{FHilb}]
Our goal is to move towards understanding the following:
Let C be a dagger compact closed category and C_\mathsf{pure} be a subcategory of C that inherits the dagger and compact closed structure. Suppose C_\mathsf{pure} has a decoherence structure with purification, then there exists an invertible dagger functor from \mathsf{CP}^*[C_\mathsf{pure}] \to C such that F(f \otimes g) = F(f) \otimes F(g).