Melika Norouzbeygi

Date: January 17, 2025
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: ICT 616

Title: Semantics of Higher-Order Processes in Categorical
Message Passing Language (CaMPL)

Abstract: Categorical Message Passing Language (CaMPL) is a concurrent programming language based on a categorical semantic given by a linear actegory. The sequential side of CaMPL is a functional-style programming language, while the concurrent side supports message passing between processes along channels with concurrent types called protocols. A notable feature that could be added to CaMPL, is the support for higher-order processes on the concurrent side, allowing processes to be passed to other processes. While passing concurrent processes between processes is feasible, supporting recursive process definitions requires the ability to reuse the passed process multiple times. However, since concurrent resources cannot be duplicated, processes must be represented as sequential data. Consequently, the concurrent side must be enriched into the sequential side. In this presentation we talk about the categorical semantics that lets us store a concurrent processes as sequential data and yet use them.